International Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Aims and Scope

International Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (ISSN Online: 2578-9686, ISSN Print: 2578-9678) is devoted to the advancement of scientific research concerning microbiology, biotechnology and related academic disciplines. It covers scientific and technological aspects of microbiology, including microbial diversity, molecular biology, bioactive compounds, biocatalysis and fermentation technology, food microbiology and biotechnology, environmental microbiology and engineering.

The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:

  • Enzymology
  • Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Applied microbiology
  • Industrial microbiology and biodegradation
  • Protein expression and purification
  • Ecological and environmental studies
  • Food microbiology

Guidelines for preparing your manuscript can be found in the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Once your manuscript is ready, you may proceed to the Submission page to complete the process.